Home Loans

It's Always a Big Commitment

Whether you are buying your first home, or upgrading to something bigger, a home loan is extremely important to get right. 

Getting it right means looking at all the options. Some of these include:

  • Competitive Interest rates
  • The right ownership structure
  • Principle and interest repayments vs interest only
  • Offset accounts
  • Split loans
  • Guarantors
  • Lenders' mortgage insurance

Getting even one small aspect of your home loan wrong can lead to long term pain. 

Our focus is on knowing our clients so we can select a home loan that's right for them. In all aspects. 


Investment Loans

Borrowing to Invest

There are many tips and tricks to discover when you start investing, and borrowing to do so can be a road fraught with danger. 

It is crucial that your investment loan is not detrimental to either your short, or long, term goals. 

Being financial planners, as well as mortgage brokers, gives us the ability to give you advice on both sides of the fence: How much debt is enough to make a difference, but not too much to hinder? 

  • Right ownership structure
  • Principle and interest repayments vs interest only 
  • Tax benefits or complications
  • Gearing options

When you get the right combination, you can make your investments work for you.